Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Maritsa is probably my favorite person I have met in Mexico so far, actually, remove the probably! She is the cook and maid for the family that I work for, she lives with them, doesn't speak any english, is from Ecuador, and is absolutely amazing! I love to help her out in the kitchen, we have so much fun teaching each other words and laughing when we can't understand. Really, she is one of the coolest people I know, and she has a daughter who is my age that I just met today, who is also really nice. She is visiting from Ecuador for a couple of weeks.
Also, I finally got a CAMERA!!! So new pictures will be coming soon and lots of them! Be prepared!


Carrilyne said...

Yay, I can't wait for pictures! And I am so glad you have a friend even if you cant understand what she is saying!

A Few Tacos Shy... said...

I am so glad that you are having this adventure! Can't wait to see more photos :-)

Jo Lynn said...

What a sweetheart and I'm sure she loves you as much as you love her! That's cool her daughter is staying for a couple weeks especially that you two are the same age. Yeah, I can't wait to see all the pictures!!!!