Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Dream

This morning i woke up from a wonderful dream, like really this is my dream in a real sense more than just a thing that happens when you go to sleep, it is something i have wanted forever and ever. In my dream I was playing elfaba in the musical, Wicked! Can you believe it?! And I was doing a great job. I sound super cocky, but what can I say, I was. The one problem was that we didn't get to practice first so I was relying solely on my one time musical seeing experience to get through the part. Since I was little my dream has been to play a part on broadway, and this particular part would be perfect, PERFECT. Oh goodness i cannot even explain how good it felt to be doing exactly what I wanted to do, even though it turned out to be only a dream. So, I want to make it happen, from this point forward I want to try out for everything, and make myself who I really want to be. Who knows if it will ever happen for me, but I will work harder than anyone before.


A Few Tacos Shy... said...

You have a beautiful voice and you should do what you can to use it!

Jo Lynn said...

You go girl! I love dreams like that and what an inspiration!

Jenna Holm said...

Seriously, GO FOR IT. The older I get, the more I surprise myself by becoming who I always wanted to be- and without feeling like a fake either! Cheers to you!

Christensen's said...

You should do it! I just won't compete when you do because I am sure they would pick my voice over know what a great singer I am :) I am excited to go swimming tomorrow!