Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I thought I'd post about this because I'm stuck at home super bored and this, being the underlying cause, needs to be spoken about. Thanksgiving weekend I was sick so I stayed home from Idaho and pretty much just took over my friend Aubree's life, that is to say I went with her family for thanksgiving, went to a family party with them saturday, and used her as my ambulance when I passed out in my bathroom saturday night. Luckily she is one of those great friends I have who somehow manages to still love me. Another one of these friends is Kristen Hendriksen who, came to the hospital emergency room and chilled with us awhile, and then bought me plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables. SO now, the story of the sickness. Wednesday: I was sick, stayed home from Idaho, Threw up, felt better, had Aubree sleep over. Thursday: Felt fine in the morning, but thanksgiving dinner made me hurt so badly I wanted to die, and I didn't even eat that much, dang it. Friday: Pretty sick, still went to do some shopping with Aubree and Brian, started getting sicker, eventually got a blessing from Aubree's dad and Rylan and returned to their house. Saturday: So sick, but still went to a pokemon tournement with Rylan,and a family party with all of the Chords. Saturday night was eventful enough that it deserves its own heading, so, Saturday night: I got home, was super dizzy, and eventually passed out. Then, I proceeded to text Aubree and then call her and leave a message that I cannot even remember, it probably made no sense, but she got the point and called me back, then she came to get me. So we went to the ER and I could hardly walk so she was my walking stick, we got in, I got an IV, there were plenty of good looking guys working that night, we laughed about reflexology while I tried to breathe at a normal rate, and the doctor came, poked me in the stomach and declared that I had all the symptoms of a bad gallbladder. Shoot. So, in the end we were in the er for around 4 hours, I got an ultrasound, peed in a cup, had blood taken, and was fed some antinausea junk through the IV that pretty much saved my life. Finally when I could leave we went to Aubree's house, watched a movie, and then went to sleep for a really really long time. And I've pretty much just kept sleeping since. I have a test tomorrow to see if my gallbladder is broken, and then we will proceed as is appropriate. SO over all I just want to say: Thank you Chords! Thank you Aubree! Thank you Kristen! And thank you everyone who cares.


Kristen said...

Yay for tomorrow when you'll know for sure what's wrong! But hopefully first we'll be able to find where the room is in the hospital...
By the way, I'm totally bringing my camera. :)

Hansens said...

Hope you feel better soon !

ashleyboice said...

Oh I am so sorry. If you need anything...just call me or pop over. Your poor gall bladder (or however you spell it.

ashleyboice said...
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Jenna Holm said...

I care.

A Few Tacos Shy... said...

So what is the verdict? Gallbladder problems suck since the only way to fix it is to cut it out. But once it's gone you are good to go!!!

Corinne said...

yeah pretty much they still don't know what's up. Thanks doctors