Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fruits Basket!!!!

I just started watching this show, called Fruits Basket, it is an anime show that my friend aubree has started me liking. I was slighly suspicious at first, but after watching the first episode I was totally hooked! So thanks Aubree! But this show, seriously you should spend some time watching it because it is really awesome! It is about the zodiac and people who have been born to live as one of the different animals of the zodiac. It's pretty cool, and it makes me laugh. It has all the lameness a good show needs along with amazingness that makes it totally worthwhile. And sorry, this is definitely the worst blog I have ever written... but the show is good :)


Kristen said...

That sounds weird. I don't love anime, so I don't know if I would like it...

Christensen's said...

That was the lamest post I have ever read for sure :) just teasing. Of course we need you to babysit...I am just not sure when. This weekend we are visiting Jed's parents. Next weekend we are going to a party and my parents are watching our kids, but we could definetely use a date night, so I will ask you for sure next time we need one!