Sunday, June 01, 2008


It looks as though I have graduated but to be quite honest it does not feel that way at all. I feel the same, I am ready for my life to happen, but I've felt like that forever. I don't know, maybe I expected some like great change of heart or something, but that is not the way it works. See life is great, and it is funny, it doesn't work the way you plan it, because you can't always know what is right for you. We all make plans, things we want so badly that it hurts, and sometimes they don't work and for awhile it is absolutely crushing. But then a different path forms in front of your eyes and it's better than anything you could have imagined, it feels good. And it doesn't mean that everything is perfect, of course not. That would not be any fun at all. But it is better than you thought, and even though it is different, you know it is right and you are glad that you trusted. We can't see on forever in front of us, and we cannot even remember all the things that have already happened to us, so sometimes someone else can better know what we need.

1 comment:

FiddleWiz said...

I am SO excited to have graduated... but it doesn't feel like I have, either! I keep reminding myself that there's not school tomorrow, hehe. College, here we come!