Saturday, October 14, 2006


A sandbox, known to some as a pile of dirt contained by walls of wood or some other material commonly used in building. The purpose of such boxes is to keep the minds of children away from their obviously busy and overworked parents. And believe me, it works. Yesterday night for example I spent about an hour and a half in a sandbox with two little boys and time flew. There is nothing like a huge stretch of sandy nothingness to keep you occupied and away from making dinner.

The question of course is what a person could possibly see in an oversized bucket of sand. I mean if we were to see a huge man in a suit playing in a pile of dirt everyday we would: First probably question his sanity, and Second wish that we were out there spending a blissful hour building and destroying sand castles. There in lies the appeal it is of course human nature to want to crush the living daylights out of someone else's intricate and beautiful creation, which they had spent at least several hours on. Why is it that people have a strange need to destroy what others have worked so hard to attain? Well I suppose it has something to do with their pride. Everyone wants there sand castle (mansion, paycheck, vehicle, or fancy helicopter) to be bigger and better than the one belonging to the pompous guy down the street. Your sand caste is guaranteed to be better if his has been demoted to a flat pile of overrated dirt. That is the joy of sand boxes; you can completely destroy the happiness and hard work of another without ever touching anything they spent money on (therefore avoiding any lawsuits they as Americans feel it to be their duty to claim.) Sand boxes are great things, with them you have the opportunity to teach your children a) the joys of nature that can be found in your own back yard, and b) the joy of completely destroying the pride and self-esteem of the child playing in the next spot over.


Aubree said...

hmmm.... good one. i never really liked sandboxes though; i get too dirty and sandy. i can barely handle sitting on the beach. your comment on mine was really funny, you should read mark's newest one and then calm down because of what it says. i don't know what i'm going to write mine about.... help! me! i bet becky's done with family pictures by now. but she just doesn't want to do anything with us. oh well... monday....

Aubree said...

you know the time is REALLY off on these things.

Aubree said...

wow! this is the closest i've seen it yet. it's really 2:00 for me but it says 2:08 usually its like hours off instead of minutes

Aubree said...

I hope you'll still love me! Don't hurt me please! I hope we will still be friends for at least tomorrow so our day-off will be fun! Don't read my blog until tuesday!