Tuesday, May 12, 2009

To be a mother

I have never been one of those girls who would answer, I want to be a mom, when asked the question "What do you want to be when you grow up." Oh, how I wish I was. But even now I really still am not, I mean I do of course want to be a mother, and recently, that desire has become so strong in me, it's like a burning. I really really want to be a mom. But also i want to be a million things, have a career and be able to honestly tell my daughters that they can do WHATEVER it is they want, no matter what it is. I feel, you know, a little on the evil side for even mentioning the fact that I want to be more than a mom, I know and have seen how truly hard and terribly important motherhood is and I have huge respect for all mothers, but for myself at least, I want to get all the education I can and take advantage of all the opportunities that come my way. (somehow I have made myself out to be a complete jerk, which perhaps I am but I did not mean this at all in a jerkly way) This does not mean that I will put motherhood or starting a family on hold for a career -not that family starting is even a remote possibility for this 18 year old girl at the moment- but I do want to become everything I want and not just a part of who I could be. Sorry this is like the choppiest post ever but I hope I got my point across, I really want to be a mom, and I will be. But I also want to be a chemist and a linguist and a chef and an actress and a singer and a forensic scientist and a doctor and a lawyer and about a million things on a list that I should probably be narrowing down by now. Once I do, I will accomplish everything I feel is important, and just you wait until I have kids, they will be dang cute!

1 comment:

scrambled brains said...

You are not a jerk! It takes a lot of courage to be honest, and I admire you for it. Live your dreams, get an education, and after you become a mother, don't ever let anyone quench your thirst for learning. Love you!