Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The problem with life is that often you are faced with many good things and you are supposed to some how find the right one and figure it out from there when you have no idea what to do... And seriously that is exactly where i am. I do not know what to do. I have a college to choose, a life plan to make and I don't even know what I want. Everything changes rapidly and spontaneously and I don't know who I really really want to be or more accurately what I want to be. i have always had many many goals and as they change and progress, I don't know what I am losing, or what exactly I have to gain. I want hapiness, and challenge, and everything great, and i don't really care too much about how it comes about, except that i want to happen the right way. I don't know...

1 comment:

FiddleWiz said...

It will all work out chica!!! *luvs* Cya tomorrow... BRIGHT AND EARLY... *yawn* I hope that one redhead guy is there tomorrow at the temple :) He always makes me happy :) It's like sunshine.