Friday, July 15, 2011

Corinne to Korea

I'm going to Korea!!!! I got my call on my very own birthday and I am so excited! I will be going to the MTC on the 7th of September!!!! I will be in the MTC for 3 months and then I will begin my service in the Korea Seoul mission, I'm feeling pretty terrific! In preperation for my mission I am in need of some things and ifany of my lovely readers would like to help me out, I thought I would include a list, here goes:
-skirts that cover the knee (size 12)
- nice shirts
- a rain coat
- gloves
- scarves
- winter hat
- cardigans
- an umbrella
- 4 twin size sheets
- a towel, hand towel, and wash cloth
- small first aid kit

that is pretty much everything I need. Thank you everyone and I am
so excited!

1 comment:

Christensen's said...

Yay! So excited for you! You will be the best missionary ever!